Pit Stop Community Cafe

Helping our local Café.

"Arrive as a customer, Leave as a friend”

A great little local café me and Nicola adore. This is a Diamond on the rough helping anyone and everyone who walks though there doors. Compassrose and Aequalis donate breakfast back to the local community so if people are struggling to eat they get at least one warm meal that day.  

South Shore Pitstop Café was born in January 2023 and taken over by owners Sarah & Bill in August 2023. The café has always held the mantra of “You arrive as a customer but leave as a friend”. Whether you are a local or over on holiday everyone receives a warm welcome, friendly atmosphere and safe space.

From the very start, one of the many things Sarah and the team wanted was “Home Cooked Food” and prices that didn’t cost the earth and from feed back since takeover, we seem to have achieved this.

Another one of the many things the team wanted to achieve was “Inclusivity” and again the feedback has been positive and we keep working on the feed back we have been give.

Whether you have a physical or hidden disability we thrive to make you feel welcome and included. If you visit and feel we are missing something, we always listen to the feedback and try to put it right as soon as physically possible.

One of the many issues we currently face at the café though is catering to our vegan friends. Whilst we would love to do this, there is no viable space to fully guarantee that what we serve can be 100%. We do a small selection of nibbles that can be classed as vegan as well as offer oat milk for teas and coffees etc.

On a plus, we are a pet friendly café and welcome well behaved dogs in. They even have there own menu. Your pampered pooch will always be welcomed with open arms. We have even welcomed a couple of therapy cats as well in our first summer.

Needless to say we are animal lovers at the café.

If there is anything more you need to know about the café, please feel free to drop us a message in the “Contact Us” section and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 07835 725297, however in busy periods we may not be able to answer.

Our cafe Ethos is mental health support and well being. We care massively about every single customer that walks through our doors. Our Quote is 'Arrive as a customer, leave as a friend'.


We took over the cafe in Aug 2023 and Jan 2024 we were nominated for the LBA awards and in April we came 3rd for this. In September we were nominated for the Fylde Kids Foundation Retail and Hospitality Award to which we won.


We are now in the chance of winning even more awards.

Solo Parents United 2025 Awards. We have been nominated for the following: Great Organisation Award and Best Venue Award. It is about the nominations until the 23rd Feb to get the nominations in the more chance we have to get into the finals and then it will be a voting process. The more votes the more chances we have.  This is the link for the nominations page https://www.soloparentsunited.co.uk/spu-awards-2025


It has also come to our attention that we have been nominated for the Coastal radio LBA Awards again (Exciting as this is where it first started)  https://www.coastalradiodab.co.uk/.../local-business-awards/?

To have a chance to be in the finals for the following categories :

New Local Business ( we would love to win this one as we were 3rd last year and the youngest business to be in the category)  

Small Business Award we have under 10 staff

Food Glorious Food Award we use fresh locally sourced food and cook fresh on site with quality ingredients

Employer of the Year Award (we employ on an apprenticeship scheme to give opportunity to learn and develop. We give work experience to the neuro diverse and we are also working with learning disabilities.)

CSR Award we collaborate with local organisations and charities to ensure we can deliver and support our local community with meeting their needs. we have held charity fundraising, free kids clothing even childrens events including Grotto and Grub

It's a big ask but if you can get your friends family and work connections to nominate us and if we are lucky to get into any of the finals then obviously vote for us then that would mean the world to us.

I want the team to see that we are appreciated and acknowledged that our hard work is really paying off and we are making a difference. We can't change the world but we can make a difference to individuals little by little.